Learning Objectives

This course is intended for those looking to understand initial access strategies used by real-world adversaries.

  • Build complex infection chains using a variety of payload formats.

  • Understand mitigating technologies such as 'Mark of the Web'.

  • Make your initial access malware persistent on a machine.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before we begin...

    4. Modern Taxonomy

    1. Triggers

    2. Payloads

    3. MotW & SmartScreen

    4. Containers

    5. Delivery

    6. Phishing Templates

    7. Code Signing

    8. Droppers

    1. The Importance of Persistence

    2. Task Scheduler

    3. Startup Folder

    4. Registry Run Keys

    5. COM Hijacking

    1. Further Resources

    2. Before you go...

About this course

  • £29.00
  • 19 lessons


5 star rating

Phenomenal Course

Steven Adams

10/10, must read content that makes a complex process a sequence of small achievable steps

10/10, must read content that makes a complex process a sequence of small achievable steps

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